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Holy Transgression:
Discipleship and the Incarnation
Fr. Vincent Pizzuto

In this presentation, Holy Transgression: Discipleship and the Incarnation, Father Pizzuto will speak to us about Jesus’ coming as a manifestation of a new worldview: the Kingdom of God.

The gospel narratives are replete with the theme of transgression, and Jesus used parables from the natural world to impress his listeners toward recognizing the new world he was bringing to them. This new world—the kingdom of God, as he called it—challenged and transformed what it meant to be holy and practice holiness. In his teaching, we are no longer set apart because we live holiness. Instead, hi=oliness is the realm of God dynamically participating in the realm of humanity. Fr. Vincent says, “This is why Jesus’ actions and teachings consistently emphasized the spirit of the law over the letter. He insisted that no religious observance was of greater importance than the practice of compassion and indiscriminate love for all.”
About Father Vincent
Father Vincent Pizzuto, Ph.D. is Professor of New Testament Studies and Christian Mysticism in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the (Jesuit) University of San Francisco. He received his Ph.D. in New Testament Exegesis from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium (2003). He has since published and presented internationally in the areas of New Testament Christology, ecological discipleship, marriage equality, inter-religious dialogue, Christian mysticism and contemplative Christian spirituality. In 2018 he published his second book, Contemplating Christ: The Gospels and the Interior Life, with Liturgical Press, to be released in Spanish, Contemplar a Cristo: Los Evangelios y la vida interior, in January 2022 by Desclée de Brouwer. As an Episcopal priest Fr. Vincent serves as Vicar of St. Columba’s Episcopal Church and Retreat House in Inverness, California. Working for the advancement of contemplative Christianity, he has reinvigorated the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s through the introduction of contemplative eucharistic liturgies, public lectures, online courses, directed retreats, thought provoking sermons, an online blog, and a weekly online study of his book through the Meditation Chapel.
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Fr. Vincent Pizzuto
Holy Transgression:
Discipleship and the Incarnation

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Fr. Vincent Pizzuto
Holy Transgression:
Discipleship and the Incarnation

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Fr. Vincent Pizzuto
Holy Transgression:
Discipleship and the Incarnation

Fr. Vincent Pizzuto - Holy Transgression: Discipleship and the Incarnation and Christogenesis on DVD. Please click the green "Add DVD To your Cart" button if you'd like to purchase this conference.
Fr. Vincent Pizzuto
Holy Transgression:
Discipleship and the Incarnation

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