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Spirituality for the Twenty-first Century
Thomas Keating

Fr. Thomas Keating, founder of Contemplative Outreach, will address spirituality for the twenty-first century using the Three Objectives of Contemplative Outreach and Lexio Divina.

Fr. Keating founded and served as Chairman of the board, and Regional Coordinators and their staffs of Contemplative Outreach, which now has active communities across the United States and worldwide.  The essay collection in his book, The Divine Indwelling, Centering Prayer and Its Development, discusses several features of Centering Prayer and the contemplative outreach movement.  Fr. Keating lived at St. Benedict’s Monastery, Snowmass, Colorado.
Spirituality for the Twenty-first Century by Thomas Keating as MP3. Please click the green "Add MP3 to Your Cart" button if you'd like to purchase this conference.
Spirituality for the Twenty-first Century
Fr. Thomas Keating
Spirituality for the Twenty-first Century by Thomas Keating on CD. Please click the green "Add CD to Your Cart" button if you'd like to purchase this conference.
Spirituality for the Twenty-first Century
Fr. Thomas Keating
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